Source inventory for your Shopify store

Integrate your Shopify store to easily automate your DropShipping order management, payments and shipping

, Integration Shopify
, Integration Shopify

Source inventory from verified suppliers and sell on Shopify

Our integration process is straight-forward and intuitive

Filling your Shopify store with inventory doesn’t need extra room in your warehouse. Whether customers visit your Shopify website for clothing, homewares, packaging materials, health and beauty, or something completely different, adding to your existing inventory is easy. Even if you’re selling affiliate products on Shopify, you can extend your offering with Avasam.

Avasam features for Shopify store owners

Shopify is the world’s largest eCommerce website provider. Fuse the power of your Shopify store with the advanced functionality and inventory sourcing of our DropShipping marketplace

, Integration Shopify
Easy set-up

Link your Shopify store in just a few easy steps and start selling immediately

, Integration Shopify
Order processing

Orders, payments and shipping instructions pass automatically from your online store to your supplier

, Integration Shopify
Automated product listing

Send products, images, descriptions and attributes to your Shopify store in just a few clicks

, Integration Shopify
Inventory synchronisation

We synchronize inventory levels every 30 minutes to help you avoid overselling

All the tools you need to DropShip on Shopify

Add inventory to your Shopify store to expand your product range and scale your business

Sell selectively

, Integration Shopify

Sell everything from Avasam on your Shopify store, or just a few lines. You choose what to source and how long you want to sell it for

Dedicated support

, Integration Shopify

Our experienced team are here to help you via live-chat, support ticket, email and telephone

Continual development

, Integration Shopify

Shopify never stops innovating, and neither do we. We work hard to ensure connections to your store are secure, and up-to-date


Your free trial allows you to explore our platform and browse our extensive catalogue of USA-based DropShipping products