Weekend reading: 19th March

, Weekend reading: 19th March

Wow – it is Friday again already! We’ve had another intensely busy week, and we’ve got some exciting stuff coming up for you over the next few weeks, and with that in mind, we’ll keep this short!

This week in our round up, we’ve spotted some interesting articles that you’ll definitely want to know about – whether you’re selling clothing on Amazon, you’re encountering issues getting hold of boxes for your orders, and if you’re looking to expand your social commerce activity this year.

The latest from us

Are you a Linnworks user? Did you add the Avasam app to your Linnworks account yet? We launched the app last week and many of our users are already seeing the benefit. Sign into Linnworks and head to the app store to get started.

With Easter just a few short weeks away, and sunnier weather starting, customer demand is increasing for new clothes! Sign in to the Avasam homepage to see our category of spring clothes and footwear, and while you’re there, add items to your inventory from the sports, health, and fitness range.

We’re featuring some absolutely Insta-worthy cookware items from supplier GB010017 on the platform this week – and pans are a great way to diversify your inventory.

The weekend reads

As you probably already know, Brexit is causing chaos for some businesses – extra charges, additional paperwork and products being refused at customs means many retailers that are DropShipping from overseas suppliers are losing out. DropShipping from UK suppliers is the answer – and if you’re already selling from Avasam suppliers, you’ll know that products are already in-country, meaning those issues are dealt with for you.

The future of the high street has been questioned in depth for a number of years – particularly since the collapse of Debenhams and the Arcadia group, with various solutions proposed to ‘save the high street’. While we don’t expect high streets to disappear completely, eCommerce will undoubtedly play a huge part when it comes to customer satisfaction, and for larger retailers, omnichannel approaches will be essential to their success. That’s why partnerships such as the one that has been forged between Next and Reiss are so important – they’re innovative, and they show that retailers are putting customers first. Smaller retailers, including eCommerce-only businesses can secure business growth by working together – how could a partnership with a retailer that has high street stores work for your business?

Are you selling clothing on Amazon? If you are, you’ll want to check out this post, since they’ve recently issued new guidance for their how clothing should be shown on the listing – and while photos are (of course!) essential, they have got even more specific about the details. Definitely essential reading if you don’t want to find your listings being suppressed.

Industry media have been reporting that there has been a shortage of cardboard boxes – read more about that here. If that’s already causing problems, or has the potential to be a headache for your retail business, then now is the time to look at other options. We wrote about sustainable packaging options earlier in the year, and our supplier GB010061 has plenty of options that can keep your business running smoothly.

When you’re reviewing your social media strategy to build social commerce sales, if you’ve been putting off using Pinterest to promote your products, then now really is the time to get pinning. Not only are there Product Pins that allow users to shop the product directly from the pin, but pins last forever – meaning that when someone searches the keywords, or hashtags, your Pin can be returned indefinitely. Made.com has recently published a report about how they are using the ‘Trend’ badge to help increase sales. Find out more here.

Dates for your diary

Whether you’re new to the world of online retail, you’re just starting out in business, or you’ve simply snoozed your way through the pandemic, we think that this afternoon of bitesize sessions from Trustpilot and their partners is going to be well worth the watch. It takes place between 2 and 3.30 on Wednesday 31 March – and you can sign up here.

If Brexit is still causing you headaches, there’s a webinar on 23rd March about exporting to the EU, and one on the 30th of March about how the VAT changes will impact on your business.

The Retail Connected event is a collaborative effort between Retail Week, Retail Week Live, Be Inspired and World Retail Congress, and takes place between 26-30th April. On the packed agenda, there are talks including shoppable media and storytelling, how brands win in eCommerce and a chat with Daniel Zhang, CEO of the Alibaba Group. We’re definitely not missing this one. It is free to register here.

Avatar for Dawn Matthews
Dawn Matthews
Dawn has worked in technical and customer supporting roles for over 20 years. Most of her career was spent in technical services at top rated UK universities, which has given her a keen eye for detail. A lucky escape led her to the field of eCommerce in 2017, and she’s never looked back.Dawn studied in the field of social sciences with the Open University, achieving an MSc in Forensic Psychology at the same time as working two jobs. She regularly applies principles of psychology from her studies to her work, and outside of her role at Avasam she is busy writing her second book.Follow Dawn on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/dawn-matthews

DropShip products from verified suppliers to diversify your inventory and scale your eCommerce business


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