Benefits of DropShipping with Avasam

, Benefits of DropShipping with Avasam

As a supplier, you’re aware of DropShipping – how else would you have found your way to this article? You already know the benefits that DropShipping can have for your business. It’s about increasing your sales and profits without requiring an additional marketing budget – sellers do your promotion for you. Typically, though,it hasn’t been a magic solution – suppliers have told us about numerous problems with DropShipping over the years. We’ve heard complaints about unreliable sellers, prohibitive costs and difficulties with connecting systems, amongst others.

With the right solution, DropShipping can be easy, painless and help you scale your business dramatically. Our solution was designed to resolve all the issues that we know suppliers and sellers have encountered with DropShipping. We think we’ve cracked it – and so, here are seven reasons to DropShip with Avasam.

Low risk

It’s a lucky supplier indeed who hasn’t been inconvenienced by at least one unreliable seller. You don’t want to put your money into your stock, dispatch it, and then find someone doesn’t settle their bill. By using a reliable platform, you can ensure you’ve been paid before you even think about dispatching products. And because of the way we’ve built Avasam, it maintains performance consistently. Spikes in demand that impact on performance are reduced, accounts and services are improved. This means the chances of any issue affecting other seller or supplier is minimal. You can be certain that when you’re DropShipping with Avasam, you’re not going to encounter blips or outages.

You might have marketed your products on sales channels previously, or been deterred by reports of difficulties. All sales channels have been known to shut down accounts for no apparent reason, and without providing any explanations or accepting appeals. Generally, when this happens, it’s difficult to get that account reactivated, causing headaches and lost revenue. When you’re DropShipping, your seller takes on this risk for you. And with Avasam, you won’t need to have any contact with sales channels at all. Connections are built in, and updates are sent automatically as you process the orders via the seller’s account(s).

Low cost

Many suppliers have told us they would like to start DropShipping, but they can’t afford to implement a solution. Sometimes it’s because changing their existing systems is too expensive. Sometimes because a platform doesn’t fit all their needs and they don’t want to pay for additional functionality on top. Sometimes it’s because the subscription and fees are prohibitive. Whatever the reason, it normally boils down to the fact that it’s too expensive. Avasam pricing is on a sliding scale – depending on numbers of sellers you’re working with, and numbers of SKUs listed. That means you know exactly how much your DropShipping business is going to cost you every month. Making strategic decisions about when to increase numbers of sellers is straightforward, with no unexpected costs.

Unlimited increased potential sales income

The right system will never cap the amount you can earn from your sales. The right system needs to allow you to scale your business at the pace you are comfortable with, without restrictions. What’s the point otherwise? Many suppliers have talked to us about how much they want to increase their profits – and don’t we all?! Avasam allows you to increase your sales income limitlessly. Not only do you benefit from your profits, your sellers are making money too – it’s a win-win situation.

Unlimited access to sellers

With more sellers listing your products, there’s more chance of sales for you. As long as you can fulfil those extra orders comfortably, then you’re already set. You just need a system that will enable you to manage those orders and payments efficiently, without anything being missed. Avasam doesn’t cap the numbers of sellers you work with. Our rating and feedback system helps inform your decisions, and allows sellers to reward you as you do your job.

Offering mixed order options can help clear your stock

Whether you’re a supplier, manufacturer or a brand owner, you’ve got huge amounts of stock in your warehouse. When you need to clear items to make way for new stock, an incentive might to help clear it efficiently, while still making a profit. Those mixed order options can increase sales of those items, giving customers a great deal. Sellers also benefit by being able to market those bundles at a great price, increasing their potential return.

Typically offering mixed order options in DropShipping have been tricky. With Avasam, this functionality is built in, so there’s nothing complex about it. All you need to do is set the mix you want to offer, and your sellers can start listing that bundle immediately.

Automation can provide little additional work – just an increase in orders

When you’re implementing a new facet of your business, it has to work as hard as you do. You don’t want to have to spend extra hours perfecting your processes or employing additional admin staff. Avasam offers suppliers complete automation, fitting seamlessly with your existing systems – most suppliers won’t need to change a thing. Your payments will reach you as your orders do, and updates get sent to shipping providers and marketplaces automatically. The only additional work that Avasam will create in your business is the right kind – extra orders and calculating profits!

Sell your entire inventory without additional marketing costs

You’ve made the decision not to manage eCommerce sales yourself. Maybe you don’t want to deal with marketplaces, maybe your business is just as you like it. You just want those extra orders and extra profits! That’s fine, and that’s partly why DropShipping can be so successful. By working with sellers who want to market your products for you, you benefit from all those extra sales. You have no extra marketing costs, no commissions or marketplace subscriptions – that’s all taken care of by your sellers. All you need to worry about is providing the product information and images. They’ll take your information and market your products on as many sales channels as possible, bringing you the orders.

If you’re ready to start fulfilling those DropShipped orders, get in touch ! We manage the setup for avasam for you, so there really is no extra effort required.

Avatar for Dawn Matthews
Dawn Matthews
Dawn has worked in technical and customer supporting roles for over 20 years. Most of her career was spent in technical services at top rated UK universities, which has given her a keen eye for detail. A lucky escape led her to the field of eCommerce in 2017, and she’s never looked back.Dawn studied in the field of social sciences with the Open University, achieving an MSc in Forensic Psychology at the same time as working two jobs. She regularly applies principles of psychology from her studies to her work, and outside of her role at Avasam she is busy writing her second book.Follow Dawn on LinkedIn at

DropShip products from verified suppliers to diversify your inventory and scale your eCommerce business


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